You know that BLAH feeling you get after being ill for months and months? Well, that feeling can linger on even after your surgeon/oncologist informed you that “Everything’s OK. All lab results came back benign and you can resume normal activities in 3 days.” At first, I took a deep sigh of relief and gratitude. I didn’t realize how waiting to officially hear the word “benign” was causing a burden on my heart, so when it finally hit me, I burst out crying. Then, there’s hope that recovery will be smooth. The surgeon did say “resume to normal in 3 days”. Normal in 3 days? Really? What does “normal” even mean? What happens to your body when you’ve sat on the couch for at least 2 months? What happens to your brain when you go under anesthesia - 4 times in less than 6 months? I've been in healing mode for a while, and there are 7 things I learned while recovering from multiple surgeries:
Motherhood. It's not job. It's a gift. It's a Happy, Simple Life.