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Showing posts with the label fitness

Sometimes we have to do nothing to do something

  Our mind and body have a way of informing us when we need a lazy weekend to do absolutely nothing, and it’s surprising to realize that:  Laziness and doing nothing regenerate your interest in doing something . The past couple of years, we have been reminded to Live your best life , Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it   and to Live your life like it’s your last .  The last one usually hits close to the heart, especially when you are at an age when your peers and loved ones face their own mortality. “Living your life like it’s your last ” paves the way for us to fill our short term goals with a list of activities that include our road to healthy living, travel adventures to instagram-worthy places , the many books to read, new skills to explore, and plethora of steps we take to experience the joys and challenges of life. However, what we seem to forget is to allot time to hit the brakes and do nothing. And I don't mean to travel miles to do noth...

Why Wear Face Masks during the Coronavirus Pandemic

The CDC guidelines on how to protect ourselves from Coronavirus (Covid-19) seem to evolve every month.  We are all learning how to stay healthy and help others to stay healthy. According to CDC's website , to protect ourselves and others we should  understand how it spreads,  wash our hands often, avoid close contact (social distance or stay at least 6 feet apart), cover coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect, monitor your health and wear fabric face masks .  Aside from social distancing and wearing face masks, the other guidelines are something we should have been abiding to stay healthy regardless of the pandemic. My 76 year-old mom, in order to stay busy during the pandemic, started sewing fabric facial masks. We got the pattern and fabric requirements from the CDC website. Ever since face masks were required when entering stores, my husband and I when we walk to town,  we put on our face masks when we encounter people on the street and when ...

FREE Live Stream Fitness Classes to Stay #HealthyAtHome During the Pandemic:

Why should you exercise? If you don’t then right now is the BEST you’ll be for the rest of your life. Every day you’ll get less strong, less flexible, you’ll have less stamina, and over one year, five years, ten years - what your body will degrade to if you can see it today, you will find it completely unacceptable. And there’s only one way to prevent the trajectory of your wellness from going down to that level of unacceptability and that is to implement SOME kind of exercise routine into your life. It does not have to be perfect, it does not have to be hard, it’s great if it gets a little better over time BUT just doing it is the very first step that you should take . Make it easy, make it fun and most importantly, do it on a regular basis. This week marks the 11th week of the stay-at-home/self-isolation guidelines and orders imposed by our government leaders in order to flatten the curve, to slow the spread of Covid-19 and prevent the hospitals from becoming overwhel...

FREE Live Stream Fitness Classes to Stay #HealthyAtHome During the Pandemic: Week 8 #StrongerTogether

"The problem Sis is they (grandmas in Fitness Escape classes) will never want you to stop. Especially Mom and her group really need you. This has been so instrumental in getting them through and keeping them healthy. You’re amazing!"  ~ Mel, Week 6 Week 8 here we come! They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, if you've been attending the FREE Live Stream Fitness Escape classes since Day 1, you know very well that you have changed your mindset, changed your habits and is now working to change your body. This week's word of the week is BALANCE. Below are the details on how to join the FREE Live Stream Classes. So let's continue to get STRONGER TOGETHER for a daily 25-minute workout that includes stretch, sweat & strength exercises that will get the blood pumping. You'll need ▫️ Yoga mat ▫️ Dumbbells ( You can use towel, canned goods or water bottle as a replacement) ▫️ Water ▫️ Folding Chair (for balance or chair exercise...

FREE Live Stream Fitness Escape Classes - Week 7 #StayAtHome #StrongerTogether Challenge

Life is a wonderful GIFT. You have been ‘entrusted’ with talents and responsibilities.  “...From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48) I can't believe I've hosted FREE 60 fitness sessions in 6 weeks: 2 sessions a day, 5 days a week. When I started the FREE Live Stream Fitness Escape classes, I didn’t think I’d be inspiring others to stay active, stay home, move more and stay healthy. I started it for me - so I can have a structure in my day, to have a reason to wake up early. I LOVE seeing everyone move, breathe, stretch, sweat a little, get stronger and most of all SMILE. I have moms and grandmas - young and the not-so-young, zooming-in from NJ, NY, FL and CA. (The amazing thing is that they all figured out how to Zoom!) Remember exercise does NOT have to be perfect. It does not have to be hard, it’s great if it gets better over time. Bu...

FREE Live Stream Fitness Classes to Stay Active During the Pandemic #StrongerTogether

  To escape the craziness and anxieties that we are all experiencing, let’s get STRONGER TOGETHER for a daily 20-minute workout that includes stretch, sweat & strength exercises that will get the blood pumping. You'll need ▫️ Yoga mat ▫️ Dumbbells ( You can use towel, canned goods or water bottle as a replacement) ▫️ Water ▫️ Folding Chair (for balance or chair exercises) ▫️ Smile DISCLAIMER: You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately. Classes are  FREE.  Just pay it forward. Donate to your local small businesses (Front Line Appreciation Group) to deliver meals/goods to the Front Liners. Donations have already been made to: Bought Mask Kit from...