My Daily Game Plan: Ernabel Demillo of Asian American Life [ Nominated for 2017 New York Emmy® Awards] on Morning Routine, Girls Night Out, Family & Career
I’m a California girl at heart, whose soul now belongs to New York. I’m a jaded, romantic, who believes in crazy-about-you love. I’m a daydreamer and goalkeeper. And I’m always planning my next adventure. What’s your morning routine? My weekday routine, during the school year may scare people away, so I’m going to tell you what a typical Sunday is like. I’m the first to get up and my dog, Stella follows me downstairs. I love the quiet stillness in the morning in my kitchen, with the sun streaming in. I start my day with a glass of warm lemon water – and coffee with almond milk and cinnamon. Then I walk Stella. We live on an acre of land and our backyard looks like a park. It’s a nice meditative time with her, until she sees a rabbit or deer and then I have to chase her down. I have a nice breakfast, then it’s off to work out. I’m currently obsessed with TRX/Spin fusion classes and Pilates. I work out at least 4 days a wee...