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Showing posts from November, 2012

Hurricane Sandy victims in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn need YOU!

My neighborhood in Cranford , NJ has been slowly getting our power back after Sandy , despite a brief setback from the recent Nor’easter.  Luckily we have a very strong support system that others don’t have. I have family and friends in the Gerritson Beach section of Brooklyn who feel like they have been completely forgotten.  Not only are they not yet on Con Edison’s priority list, they feel like they have dropped off every list on which you could be listed. They have no electricity, no gas, no heat, no telephone, no police protection, NOTHING!  All of the elements which create that reality we call normalcy have been removed from their lives in one day, and the safety net that they have paid for through their bills and taxes have evaporated into thin air without so much as a mention. So they are asking me to ask for your help. They have called their media, their congressman, their senator, their mayor, and their governor, but they have gotten NOTHING...