God works in mysterious ways. There's a reason for every season.
Sometimes I just can't fully comprehend why things happen.
Maybe we are not supposed to understand.
Maybe we are to experience life the way we chose to live it and whatever our path leads to.
The night of my 45th birthday, my Dad called me and told me that he wasn't feeling well.
He must have been in pain that he forgot to wish me a "Happy Birthday!".
That night, my brothers took him to the hospital.
He had a mild heart attack and had some kidney problems.
A few days later, I flew in to Manila to be with him.
My brothers and I thought we had to say "good-bye" to a very special person.
2/3rd's of my Dad's heart had already been damaged by his previous heart attacks.
When I saw him, my heart couldn't bear the pain he's going through.
But with prayers, love and support - we are lucky that Dad recovered!
He's not totally the same.
He still has to go through dialysis and there are side effects and complications that the doctors are still trying to iron out.
Seeing someone you love helpless and in pain is just too much to bear.
When I was learning how to walk, my Dad was there to guide and teach me to walk. When Dad was having a tough time walking, I was glad that I was with him to guide and be his “stand”;
When I was learning how to use the spoon and fork, my Dad was there to feed and teach me; When Dad couldn’t feed himself, I was glad I was with him to help him eat and rub his back when swallowing was tough. (The ventilator temporarily damaged his throat that made it painful to swallow or talk)
When I was learning how to use the bathroom, my Dad was there to guide me and change me. When Dad couldn’t go to the bathroom like he used to on his own, I was glad I was with him to help him.
When I didn’t know how to speak, my Dad was there trying to understand my ramblings. When Dad couldn’t form the words, I was glad I was with him to try to understand what he wanted to say.
It is so painful and scary to be in this stage in one’s life. I wasn’t brave all the time. But I tried not to show it to him. Patience and love is the key – I guess.
BUT there’s no better nurse to my Dad than my Mom. She tirelessly looks after him, changes him, prays with him, and cooks for him. We didn’t have any private nurse now that Dad's been home – and Mom did most of the work! Seeing Mom takes care of my Dad is a true testament of her love for my Dad. That truly is TRUE LOVE!
Definitely “for better or for worse”!
I pray that Dad will continue to get better and that my Mom and my brothers who will be with him in the Philippines will have the strength, patience, resilience and faith to get through these very trying times in our lives (once again!)
One thing I can say is that we are blessed that with all the troubles and challenges my family's been through,
The love we have for each other is what keeps us stronger in times of these adversities.
My life seems to be on hold. I can't go on my day unless I know that this day is going to be a good day. I'm scared that a shoe will drop any day but at the same time, I know that God will take care of us.
Our world online has been a big help. Your words of love, support and prayers have helped me get through these chaotic times.
So to my "family" in this online world of ours:
People are all different, unique in every way.
Some express comfortably through spoken words,
Some pour out their feelings through written paragraphs.
Some understand a person just by seeing his/her face,
Yet some can just relate to another person just by hearing his/her voice.
Because of the internet, our world is getting smaller.
We can reach out and “say hello” as quickly as one’s browser loads.
Twenty five years ago, when I first moved here from the Philippines,
How I wished there’s a quick and inexpensive way to –
Say hi, how are you and what are you up to?
Share pictures, videos and chat online.
Back then (seems so ancient), post/mail takes two weeks if you’re lucky;
By the time one receives the letter and responds to any questions,
The story is already obsolete or lost its momentum.
If all these online functions were accessible then,
I probably wouldn’t have been so homesick almost 25 years ago.
Except for my 13-year old who does not truly use
the cell phone, email or any online social network,
Have you noticed that every one seems to be online at least once a day?
Whether you’re checking your kids’ grades in Power School
Catching up with friends thru Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, Motherhood, TST, Facebook, Friendster, Linked In or Myspace,
Following the market’s ups and downs (down..up...down...up...down..) or
Just chatting with family and friends far and near!
[ Thanks Mr. Al Gore for inventing the internet :) ]
To talk and listen about almost anything,
To pray, laugh, smile and be mad.
To support and be there for each other,
Even before actually shaking each other’s hands.
My husband is jealous of the online-circle.
He thinks it's a coven (ha!) that is supplanting his position in my emotional life.
He even mentioned that he might reformat my hard drive in order to reformat my membership. One simple innocent swipe of a magnet might reinstate him into his prior A-list role! (lol)
In a busy, hectic day –
Sometimes you just feel like posting your feelings, stories and questions.
Sometimes your partner is not there to entertain
your sometimes nonsensical views and questions.
Sometimes you just feel like “typing” away.
However, one has to realize
That there’s still nothing more uplifting and rewarding
Than the actual inter-personal interaction with your family and friends.
It is great that we can connect online,
Just like the 100 rainbow snowflakes my 8-year old made,
We all have stories to share and listen to,
We are individuals in this one big colorful world of ours!
You can send away big ((((hugs)))) and kisses ♥ ♥ ♥
LOL (laughing out loud), ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing),
LTM (laugh to myself), FMTYEWTK (far more than you ever want to know),
Keep a balance and give your loved ones tight hugs and kisses,
and plenty of quality unplugged time.
A big thank you for all your prayers. love, support and recognition:
Please visit and say hello to these wonderful women who took time to give me sweet "pat-in-the-backs". Their blogs are inspirational and their comments and inputs are just comforting.
Lori of "When We Listen" ( http://whenwelisten.blogspot.com/ )

Tami of "Diary of a Mad Woman" ( http://tami-diaryofamadwoman.blogspot.com/ )

Onna of Toddler Crafts ( http://www.toddlercraft.net/ ) awarded me with free advertising thru Dominique's site, "From Dominique's Desk" ( http://dominiquegoh.com/ ). You'll see GottaLoveMom's button on her site.
Felicia Kramer of "Another Bright Idea" ( http://feliciakramer.blogspot.com/ ) shared her Premio Meme award. My fellow Thursday-Sweet-Treat is one talented and compassionate artist. Go visit her site, too.
I'm sharing these to all of you:
Please visit the following sites, you'll be coming back for more!
http://feliciakramer.blogspot.com/ http://dominiquegoh.com/
http://ofmiceandramen.blogspot.com/ http://chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com/
Sometimes I just can't fully comprehend why things happen.
Maybe we are not supposed to understand.
Maybe we are to experience life the way we chose to live it and whatever our path leads to.
The night of my 45th birthday, my Dad called me and told me that he wasn't feeling well.
He must have been in pain that he forgot to wish me a "Happy Birthday!".
That night, my brothers took him to the hospital.
He had a mild heart attack and had some kidney problems.
A few days later, I flew in to Manila to be with him.
My brothers and I thought we had to say "good-bye" to a very special person.
2/3rd's of my Dad's heart had already been damaged by his previous heart attacks.
When I saw him, my heart couldn't bear the pain he's going through.
But with prayers, love and support - we are lucky that Dad recovered!
He's not totally the same.
He still has to go through dialysis and there are side effects and complications that the doctors are still trying to iron out.
Seeing someone you love helpless and in pain is just too much to bear.
When I was learning how to walk, my Dad was there to guide and teach me to walk. When Dad was having a tough time walking, I was glad that I was with him to guide and be his “stand”;
When I was learning how to use the spoon and fork, my Dad was there to feed and teach me; When Dad couldn’t feed himself, I was glad I was with him to help him eat and rub his back when swallowing was tough. (The ventilator temporarily damaged his throat that made it painful to swallow or talk)
When I was learning how to use the bathroom, my Dad was there to guide me and change me. When Dad couldn’t go to the bathroom like he used to on his own, I was glad I was with him to help him.
When I didn’t know how to speak, my Dad was there trying to understand my ramblings. When Dad couldn’t form the words, I was glad I was with him to try to understand what he wanted to say.
It is so painful and scary to be in this stage in one’s life. I wasn’t brave all the time. But I tried not to show it to him. Patience and love is the key – I guess.
BUT there’s no better nurse to my Dad than my Mom. She tirelessly looks after him, changes him, prays with him, and cooks for him. We didn’t have any private nurse now that Dad's been home – and Mom did most of the work! Seeing Mom takes care of my Dad is a true testament of her love for my Dad. That truly is TRUE LOVE!
Definitely “for better or for worse”!
I pray that Dad will continue to get better and that my Mom and my brothers who will be with him in the Philippines will have the strength, patience, resilience and faith to get through these very trying times in our lives (once again!)
One thing I can say is that we are blessed that with all the troubles and challenges my family's been through,
The love we have for each other is what keeps us stronger in times of these adversities.
My life seems to be on hold. I can't go on my day unless I know that this day is going to be a good day. I'm scared that a shoe will drop any day but at the same time, I know that God will take care of us.
Our world online has been a big help. Your words of love, support and prayers have helped me get through these chaotic times.
So to my "family" in this online world of ours:
People are all different, unique in every way.
Some express comfortably through spoken words,
Some pour out their feelings through written paragraphs.
Some understand a person just by seeing his/her face,
Yet some can just relate to another person just by hearing his/her voice.
Because of the internet, our world is getting smaller.
We can reach out and “say hello” as quickly as one’s browser loads.
Twenty five years ago, when I first moved here from the Philippines,
How I wished there’s a quick and inexpensive way to –
Say hi, how are you and what are you up to?
Share pictures, videos and chat online.
Back then (seems so ancient), post/mail takes two weeks if you’re lucky;
By the time one receives the letter and responds to any questions,
The story is already obsolete or lost its momentum.
If all these online functions were accessible then,
I probably wouldn’t have been so homesick almost 25 years ago.
Except for my 13-year old who does not truly use
the cell phone, email or any online social network,
Have you noticed that every one seems to be online at least once a day?
Whether you’re checking your kids’ grades in Power School
Catching up with friends thru Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, Motherhood, TST, Facebook, Friendster, Linked In or Myspace,
Following the market’s ups and downs (down..up...down...up...down..) or
Just chatting with family and friends far and near!
[ Thanks Mr. Al Gore for inventing the internet :) ]
To talk and listen about almost anything,
To pray, laugh, smile and be mad.
To support and be there for each other,
Even before actually shaking each other’s hands.
My husband is jealous of the online-circle.
He thinks it's a coven (ha!) that is supplanting his position in my emotional life.
He even mentioned that he might reformat my hard drive in order to reformat my membership. One simple innocent swipe of a magnet might reinstate him into his prior A-list role! (lol)
In a busy, hectic day –
Sometimes you just feel like posting your feelings, stories and questions.
Sometimes your partner is not there to entertain
your sometimes nonsensical views and questions.
Sometimes you just feel like “typing” away.
However, one has to realize
That there’s still nothing more uplifting and rewarding
Than the actual inter-personal interaction with your family and friends.
It is great that we can connect online,
Just like the 100 rainbow snowflakes my 8-year old made,
We all have stories to share and listen to,
We are individuals in this one big colorful world of ours!
You can send away big ((((hugs)))) and kisses ♥ ♥ ♥
LOL (laughing out loud), ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing),
LTM (laugh to myself), FMTYEWTK (far more than you ever want to know),
Keep a balance and give your loved ones tight hugs and kisses,
and plenty of quality unplugged time.
A big thank you for all your prayers. love, support and recognition:
Please visit and say hello to these wonderful women who took time to give me sweet "pat-in-the-backs". Their blogs are inspirational and their comments and inputs are just comforting.
Lori of "When We Listen" ( http://whenwelisten.blogspot.com/ )

Tami of "Diary of a Mad Woman" ( http://tami-diaryofamadwoman.blogspot.com/ )

Onna of Toddler Crafts ( http://www.toddlercraft.net/ ) awarded me with free advertising thru Dominique's site, "From Dominique's Desk" ( http://dominiquegoh.com/ ). You'll see GottaLoveMom's button on her site.
Felicia Kramer of "Another Bright Idea" ( http://feliciakramer.blogspot.com/ ) shared her Premio Meme award. My fellow Thursday-Sweet-Treat is one talented and compassionate artist. Go visit her site, too.
I'm sharing these to all of you:
Please visit the following sites, you'll be coming back for more!
http://feliciakramer.blogspot.com/ http://dominiquegoh.com/
http://ofmiceandramen.blogspot.com/ http://chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com/
To know that the Lord is going through every trial with us gives us that sense of peace and joy despite what your family and your dad had just gone through...It's never easy but we if we keep trusting on the Greatest Physician, we know that it will be okay somehow.
ReplyDeleteMay the Lord continue to cover you and your family healing, comfort, strength, peace, joy and financial provisions as well. God bless you sister Jenjen. That is great that you were able to be there for your dad and able to spend time with him. That was a valuable moment!!! And I know that your presence encouraged him...Glory to God for all of His wonderful blessings!
JenJen, I missed you! I'm so glad your dad is doing well.
ReplyDeletePrayers have healed him (somewhat) So then we must continue on and pray harder!
I've got you covered!
You're wonderful JenJen.
HuGZ and so happy your family is doing better.
I'm so glad that your dad is doing better. It's hard not to wonder when the shoe will fall but God's got you and your family covered....I'll be praying for him!
ReplyDeleteJen - I love this post - how lovingly you write about your father! It brought tears and memories of my own father, who I lost many years ago. Hugs to you and prayers for your Dad.
ReplyDeleteHi Jen! I just love reading your posts! There is so much substance to them!!
ReplyDeleteI'll continue to pray for your father!!!
I missed you, jenjen!! Glad that your dad is getting better. Am praying hard!!
My prayers are with you and your family. I agree with you: we are not living our plan, we are living His.
ReplyDeletehello! I've got an award for you in my blog...=) grab it now! Weee!=)
ReplyDeleteI am pryaing for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteReally i say that GOD is there. He will listen to each and everones prayers definitely. Lets pray for the best to happen.
Beautiful post!!! You are so amazingly gifted with words. Your daddy is so lucky to have you. I've been thinking of you often even though I haven't commented for a little while. I will keep your dad in prayer.
ReplyDeleteMy pastor talked about this subject yesterday. He said that faith in God means sometimes not knowing all the answers to explain why we face adversity, but trusting that God has our best interests in mind. I know He will (and probably already has) bring good things even out of this difficult situation.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!! ;0) You are one of my most treasured blogging friends!
You dad is so very lucky to have you as a daughter and you are very lucky to have him as a father. He sounds like a great man! I pray that your father continues to improve :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to read that your dad is better somehow. :) We will continue to pray for him and your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the awards. :)
Dad's hanging in there. Thank you for all your prayers.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs and kisses
Oh Jen, I can't even imagine what you are going through, but I'm praying that you and your family will have many, many more days with your dad. (((HUGS)))!!!
ReplyDeleteHello to you, You are one special lady! Through everything you are going through and experiencing you are still thinking of others around you. A very rare gift indeed! I was stopping by to give you prayers of encouragement and to let you know I am thinking about you, I miss you and I hope you and your family are doing well. I am glad to hear your dad is doing better.
You are a beautiful lady and loved by your on line friends.
Take care, be safe
Your father is so lucky to have your loving family and his wife beside him. Please know that he is in my thoughts and hoping that he makes a smooth recovery.
ReplyDeleteI love to read your story here. It is touching enough. I will be waiting for another story forward. Toddler Crafts Susan.
ReplyDeleteJenJen I think you are following me twice LOL
hi mom, it's Jonathon. I just wanted to say... WOW! You have done a great job with the blog. Papa will be in our prayers. I love you and keep writing from the heart.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness JenJen! I am so glad your dad is on the mend. What a beautiful post. I lost my dad 4 years ago almost to the day and your post had me reading through my tears!
ReplyDeletePrayers and good wishes are being sent your way to you and your family. God speed!
Hello to you,
ReplyDeleteI am checking in with you like I enjoy doing. Wanted to say "HI" and be safe.
Hugs to you and your family.