It’s another beautiful morning I wish I can share with all my family and friends
Lately, it may look like that every morning seems to start like another lovely day and that I can’t help myself sharing it to everyone. The thing is my “peace-and-happiness” was taken away from me on October 27, 2005. Ever since then, there’s a big hole in my heart that seemed to totally consume my entire being. The first few days, weeks, months, years since then were very difficult. I must have aged ten years in one month! Hope and dreams were shattered and I ended up bringing down every one I love, too. (Just writing it now, brings tears and pain – but because I truly wish everything will just be perfect)
It took a lot of love, energy, prayers and faith to go on. Once I felt like HOPE is around the corner, something awful snatches it away one more time! The past few months, I can say that something has changed on how I view the challenges.
I don’t know how and
I don’t know why now and
I don’t know how long it will last.
There are still lot things to be done and to be accomplished – it might even take more than a decade. And every day seems like a new test in my new found “zen” It does not mean I’m giving up. I think I’m gathering all the strength so I can fight this ordeal one more time!
When I see the sun shining through the blue skies and spreading its brightness down to the river, even just around the corner – I feel at peace that someday, things will be complete.
(Photo taken on today's zenwalk Mohawk park around the corner)
I cry thinking about the things that have happened and things that are not in-place. I can marvel at the beauty of the day, to be grateful that I am here! I’m sad that some of my loved ones cannot enjoy this blessing. But one thing I learned, I don’t have to cry endlessly to NOT forget about them. I will always remember them every day and will find ways for us to be together again. (Listening to Coldplay’s To Fix You will keep me going..)
Everyday I am thankful, however, actually posting the “Three Things I’m Grateful for Today” do keep things “front-and-center”. Writing and sharing about it just make it truly resonate in my heart and mind.
I don’t know what path the new challenges will take me.
I don’t know what path the new challenges will take me.
I don’t know if it will be easy or another long-ended road.
But a few things I learned:
I can not take back the past;
I have to take action one step at a time
and be grateful for what I have right now
and the road I take today will lead me
to the future that will always be there waiting for me.
I can not take back the past;
I have to take action one step at a time
and be grateful for what I have right now
and the road I take today will lead me
to the future that will always be there waiting for me.
(It's the first summer that reminded me that you can't take things for granted;
you won't know what you're missing until it's taken from you!
It's a tough hike up the mountain, and even a tougher hike down ...)
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