Saturday , Feb 28, 2009 - was the surprise birthday party.
With aching back, neck and shoulders – with the help of everyone,
we gave my youngest the “best birthday ever!”
I wasn’t planning on having a birthday party for my little one because of a lot of reasons.
But seeing how he looked and felt when he opened the door and heard his 12 friends screamed “Surprise, Happy Birthday, Joshua!”
I now understand why birthdays with his friends are precious memories.

Birthdays to a child is the most important party one can ever put together!
It’s not where the party’s going to be;It’s not what presents friends will bring;
It’s not the pizza or nuggets or cake –Although the best cake baked by the best sister is a must!It’s the thrill and excitement of being with friends.
It’s the high-pitched loud “rambunctious” noises that they make.
It’s the silliness in dancing, games and high energy.
And most of all, it’s those sparkly eyes and smiling faces that fill a room
With the help of Ate, Kuya and Daddy,
Nothing stopped me from giving twelve 8-year oldsAs they put it ,
“ A totally cool and fun party!”
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