There is no way anyone could possibly fully describe a father,
But I’ll take a crack at it.
A dad is a guardian type person.
Dads check up on you while you are in bed sleeping.
Dads give you a kiss on the forehead even if you are sleeping just to make sure you know he loves you.
Dads can be friends to you,
They will always comfort you when you come home crying from school because someone picked on you.
Dads play with you; they are your best friends.
Dads are sympathetic, when you are sad they make you happy.
When you are bored, they play with you.
When you make a mistake they will work it out with you.
There simply are no words to describe the role and importance of a dad.
NO dictionary will tell you the real meaning of the word, DAD
This paragraph barely scratches the surface of the word.
However, one strong word could summarize a dad, LOVE.
This power exceeds any other,
This bond is unbreakable,
NO tragedy can move it,
NO earthquake waver it.
It is the strongest thing in the universe.
Yet how many fathers truly obtain the title of a true father?
How many have all the characteristics of a dad?
Only a handful, and right in the center is my Dad!
I will now use the strongest three words known to anyone , I LOVE YOU.
A dad is a guardian type person.
Dads check up on you while you are in bed sleeping.
Dads give you a kiss on the forehead even if you are sleeping
just to make sure you know he loves you.
Dads can be friends to you, They will always comfort you
when you come home crying from school because someone picked on you.
Dads play with you; they are your best friends.
Dads are sympathetic, when you are sad they make you happy.
When you are bored, they play with you.
When you make a mistake they will work it out with you.
There simply are no words to describe the role and importance of a dad.
NO dictionary will tell you the real meaning of the word, DAD
This paragraph barely scratches the surface of the word.
However, one strong word could summarize a dad, LOVE.
This power exceeds any other,This bond is unbreakable,
NO tragedy can move it,NO earthquake waver it.
It is the strongest thing in the universe.Love.
Yet how many fathers truly obtain the title of a true father?
How many have all the characteristics of a dad?
Only a handful, and right in the center is my Dad!
And in every Dad, there is a MOM ..
A MOM who BONDS everyone together.
A MOM who loves every child unconditionally,
A MOM who is there for you at every second.
A MOM who does not sleep until everyone is asleep,
A MOM who will always be your MOM.
We are lucky to have you, MOM and DAD!
But I’ll take a crack at it.
A dad is a guardian type person.
Dads check up on you while you are in bed sleeping.
Dads give you a kiss on the forehead even if you are sleeping just to make sure you know he loves you.
Dads can be friends to you,
They will always comfort you when you come home crying from school because someone picked on you.
Dads play with you; they are your best friends.
Dads are sympathetic, when you are sad they make you happy.
When you are bored, they play with you.
When you make a mistake they will work it out with you.
There simply are no words to describe the role and importance of a dad.
NO dictionary will tell you the real meaning of the word, DAD
This paragraph barely scratches the surface of the word.
However, one strong word could summarize a dad, LOVE.
This power exceeds any other,
This bond is unbreakable,
NO tragedy can move it,
NO earthquake waver it.
It is the strongest thing in the universe.
Yet how many fathers truly obtain the title of a true father?
How many have all the characteristics of a dad?
Only a handful, and right in the center is my Dad!
I will now use the strongest three words known to anyone , I LOVE YOU.
A dad is a guardian type person.
Dads check up on you while you are in bed sleeping.
Dads give you a kiss on the forehead even if you are sleeping
just to make sure you know he loves you.
Dads can be friends to you, They will always comfort you
when you come home crying from school because someone picked on you.
Dads play with you; they are your best friends.
Dads are sympathetic, when you are sad they make you happy.
When you are bored, they play with you.
When you make a mistake they will work it out with you.
There simply are no words to describe the role and importance of a dad.
NO dictionary will tell you the real meaning of the word, DAD
This paragraph barely scratches the surface of the word.
However, one strong word could summarize a dad, LOVE.
This power exceeds any other,This bond is unbreakable,
NO tragedy can move it,NO earthquake waver it.
It is the strongest thing in the universe.Love.
Yet how many fathers truly obtain the title of a true father?
How many have all the characteristics of a dad?
Only a handful, and right in the center is my Dad!
And in every Dad, there is a MOM ..
A MOM who BONDS everyone together.
A MOM who loves every child unconditionally,
A MOM who is there for you at every second.
A MOM who does not sleep until everyone is asleep,
A MOM who will always be your MOM.
We are lucky to have you, MOM and DAD!
Artwork and Poem by Jonathon (2006) age 11
Tip: I keep my kids' love-notes, cards and artwork in a binder with plastic inserts. And I read through them once in a while . Love-notes from children are the hugs and kisses of motherhood!
Copyright 2009 © GottaLoveMom CJ Solutions, Inc Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited
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