You get up in the morning and you don’t know what’s up ahead, As you roll over, you get a glimpse of the love of your life. Your heart is tickled and a your lips separate into a smile; As you walk down to the kitchen to start the morning rush, Your son greets you “good morning, mom” and says “I love you” with a hug. Your heart is tickled and your lips separate into a smile; As you get the kids out the door and wish them “Have a good day”, my child, They all waved their “see-you-laters” because good-byes are not allowed. Your heart is tickled and your lips separate into a smile; As you’re left with the dirty dishes, messy beds and laundry to do, Your husband laughs at the question you posed, and the way you said it, too. Your heart is tickled and your lips separate into a smile; Smile, laughters and lots of love – a great way to start a gorgeous day! ------ Artwork my Mikey (age 7), 1998 Copyright 2009 © GottaLoveMom CJ Solutions, Inc Unauthorized reproduct...
Motherhood. It's not job. It's a gift. It's a Happy, Simple Life.